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Ron Shah's Publications


FSP1 is a Glutathione-Independent Ferroptosis Suppressor

Sebastian Doll, Florencio Porto Freitas, Ron Shah, Maceler Aldrovandi, Milene Costa da Silva, Irina Ingold, Andrea Goya Grocin, Elena Panzilius, Christina Scheel, André Mourão, Katalin Buday, Jonas Wanninger, Thibaut Vignane, Vaishnavi Mohana, Markus Rehberg, Andrew Flatley, Aloys Schepers, Andreas Kurz, Daniel White, Markus Sauer, Michael Sattler, Edward William Tate, Werner Schmitz, Almut Schulze, Valerie O’Donnel, Bettina Proneth, Grzegorz M. Popowicz, Derek A. Pratt, José Pedro Friedmann Angeli* & Marcus Conrad*


2019, Accepted Manuscript (online).

(See related Nature News & Views on this manuscript)


Beyond DPPH: Use of Fluorescence-ENabled Inhibited AutoXidation (FENIX) Predicts Oxidative Cell Death Rescue

Ron Shah, Luke A. Farmer, Omkar Zilka, Antonius T. M. Van Kessel & Derek A. Pratt*

Cell Chemical Biology 

2019, Accepted Manuscript (online).



Resolving the Role of Lipoxygenases in the Initiation and Execution of Ferroptosis

Ron Shah, Mikhail S. Shchepinov & Derek A. Pratt*

ACS Central Science 

20184, 387-396.

(Selected for a 'First Reactions' highlight)



The Catalytic Reaction of Nitroxides with Peroxyl Radicals and its Relevance to their Cytoprotective Properties

Markus Griesser, Ron Shah, Antonius T. Van Kessel, Omkar Zilka,

Evan A. Haidasz & Derek A. Pratt*

Journal of the American Chemical Society

2018, 140, 3798-3808.



Ferroptosis Inhibition: Mechanisms and Opportunities

José Pedro Friedmann Angeli,* Ron Shah, Derek A. Pratt* & Marcus Conrad*

Trends in Pharmacological Sciences

2017, 38, 489-498.



On the Mechanism of Cytoprotection by Ferrostatin-1 and Liproxstatin-1 and the Role of Lipid Peroxidation in Ferroptotic Cell Death

Omkar Zilka, Ron Shah, Bo Li, José Pedro Friedmann Angeli, Markus Griesser,

Marcus Conrad & Derek A. Pratt* 

ACS Central Science

2017, 3, 232-243.

(Highlighted in a Cell Press “Chemical Biology Call”)


Determination of Key Hydrocarbon Autoxidation Products by Fluorescence


Ron Shah & Derek A. Pratt*
Journal of Organic Chemistry

2016, 81, 6649-6656.


Unprecedented Inhibition of Hydrocarbon Autoxidation by Diarylamine Radical-Trapping Antioxidants

Ron Shah, Evan A. Haidasz, Luca Valgimigli & Derek A. Pratt*

Journal of the American Chemical Society

2015, 137, 2440-2443.
(selected for a 'JACS spotlight')


The Catalytic Mechanism of Diarylamine Radical-Trapping Antioxidants.

Evan A. Haidasz, Ron Shah and Derek A. Pratt*

Journal of the American Chemical Society

2014, 136, 16643-16650.
(selected for a 'JACS spotlight')

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