mechanism | medicinal chemistry | chemical biology
J.P. Chauvin's Publications
Electrochemical Dimerization of Phenylpropenoids and the Surprising Antioxidant Activity of the Resultant Quinone Methide Dimers
Kevin J. Romero, Matthew S. Galliher, Mark A. R. Raycroft, Jean-Philippe R. Chauvin, Irene Bosque, Derek A. Pratt* & Corey R. J. Stephenson*
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
2018, 57, 17125-17129.
Hydropersulfides: H-Atom Transfer Agents Par Excellence
Jean-Philippe R. Chauvin, Markus Griesser & Derek A. Pratt*
Journal of the American Chemical Society
2017, 139, 6484-6493.
On the Reactions of Thiols, Sulfenic Acids and Sulfinic Acids with Hydrogen Peroxide
Jean-Philippe R. Chauvin & Derek A. Pratt*
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
2017, 56, 6255-6259.
(Part of the Special Issue: 100th Anniversary of the Canadian Society for Chemistry)
Synthesis of Resveratrol Tetramers via a Stereoconvergent Radical Equilibrium
Mitchell H. Keylor, Bryan S. Matsuura, Markus Griesser, Jean-Philippe R. Chauvin,
Ryan A. Harding, Mariia S. Kirillova, Xu Zhu, Oliver J. Fischer,
Derek A. Pratt* & Corey R. J. Stephenson*
2016, 354, 1260-1265.
Inspired by Garlic: Insights on the Chemistry of Sulfenic Acids and the Radical-Trapping Antioxidant Activity of Organosulfur Compounds
Jean-Philippe R. Chauvin, Zosia Zielinski & Derek A. Pratt*
Canadian Journal Chemistry
2016, 94, 1-8.
(Invited minireview in recognition of the 2015 CSC Fagnou Award)
The Medicinal Thiosulfinates from Garlic and Petiveria Are Not Radical-Trapping Antioxidants in Liposomes and Cells, but Lipophilic Analogs Are
Bo Li, Feng Zheng, Jean-Philippe R. Chauvin & Derek A. Pratt*
Chemical Science
2015, 6 , 6165-6178.
(Highlighted in Chemistry World)